Season 18 tier list diablo 3
Season 18 tier list diablo 3

  • Followers never deal significant damage you’re on your own to clear the content.įor T16 we recommend this Enchantress setup because she is the only follower that gives Cooldown Reduction, allowing you to spam your abilities more.
  • season 18 tier list diablo 3

    Cooldown Reduction does not work for any follower skill except the Templar’s Heal.Legendary gems do not work on followers, except Esoteric Alteration and Mutilation Guard.Followers share 20% of their Experience, Magic and Gold Find stats with you.Guardian's Jeopardy (3 ) Bonus works for followers by improving their inherent stat multiplier from x2.5 to x3.5, making it slightly easier to hit the 25,000 main stat threshold if needed.This means we stack Intelligence on the Enchantress, Dexterity on the Scoundrel and Strength on the Templar. Follower’s powers are based on their main stat (maxed at 25.000, but they have a 2.5x multiplier so you only need 10.000).The most important ones are: The Flavor of Time, Nemesis Bracers, Avarice Band, Sage’s Journey and Cain’s Destiny. The emanation system allows followers to share certain legendary and set powers with you.Ring of Royal Grandeur ( A1 Bounties, Cubed) Due to the pulling power of Ancient Spear Rage Flip and Ground Stomp Wrenching Smash this build is excellent for high solo push on the leaderboards. However, any Rend cast by Ambo's Pride does not have this property (see Mechanics), requiring you to weave in Rend s manually while spinning around with Whirlwind. This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since selfcast Rend can proc it.

    season 18 tier list diablo 3

    This build excels many other builds in Diablo at Speed farming content as it is lighting quick and deals a tremendous amount of damage while constantly moving. Some people call this build "Rend Barb" while others call it "Whirlwind Barb", however the build's main damage comes from Rend as Whirlwind just applies the Rend to do all the damage. You spin and move through the monster while DoTing and killing them quickly. The core concept is that Whirlwind applies the Damage over Time (DoT) effect from Rend using Ambo's Pride. The Whirlwind (WW) Barbarian uses the Wrath of the Wastes set and has become one of the strongest builds in the game after having Rend added to its bonus.

    Season 18 tier list diablo 3