Choosing a doctrine (Company, Regiments, Tactics, Division, Corps, resepectively.) from the HQ is recommended. ? Doctrines: These are available as a means to provide more flexibility and options over the vanilla commanders in the form of abilties that complement playstyle, new units, and more. Accuracy may be effected by movement, crew experience, while reload times may depend on the placement of the ammunition storage within the tank. The tank with the better gun or thicker armor will quickly splatter the smaller tank, using coordinated attacks and flanking is crucial, especially for Allied tanks. Armor combat is a much more dangerous game. ? Redesigned Combat: Infantry is a game of tactics, you as the commander are responsible for their survival in battle. No faction will be left out entirely in a certain playstyle, such as defense, or tank combat, but neither do they all function the same. ? New Units: More units available such as the 3.7cm Pak 36, or the Bazooka-wielding Anti-Tank Squad for Americans. Automatic weapons can tear through multiple targets, artillery can pulverize multiple squads if left unchecked. Anything and everything has a potential chance to kill if used correctly. ? Deadlier Weapons: Greatly increased weapon damage and range across the board.